The hunting season is open. That of new ideas. And the meet will be all the more electric when the masters of the house are called GOOSE, proud flag-flyers of electro-rock in their homeland of Belgium.
This quartet of dandies, headed by lead singer Mickael Karkousse, has successfully left its creative mark on an ambitious renovation project: to bring back to life an old 1950s garage, a vestige of the Flemish Bauhaus.

Safari Studios is a strange place. DELABIE couldn’t imagine a more favorable playground for revealing its highly-refined creativity. At the same time a recording studio, a record label and a creative agency, GOOSE and their Safari Studios can’t be labeled simply because of a rebellious – although inspired – guitar riff.
In this hybrid place dedicated to alternative music, interior design and sound design converse so as to make room for experimentation. These lovers of Cold Wave sonorities were on the lookout for their own place; somewhere they could keep their impressive collection of synthesizers, when they came across this big Berlin-inspired block.

Interview with Mickael Karkousse, leader of the group GOOSE
“We were instantly won over by its huge proportions, its almost masculine lines, and its high ceilings. The construction, at the same time raw, linear and clean, echoed our musical and esthetic sensitivity,” confides Mickael Karkousse, the band leader.
The same can be said of the interior decoration, which upholds the codes laid down by this huge protean block. More than architecture, it’s the whole Bauhaus philosophy and its libertarian spirit that they want to breathe into the walls.
Our friends and visiting artists are invited to come here to draw inspiration from it and to leave their own mark. The idea is to form a community and an artistic and creative rivalry,” expands the lead singer of GOOSE.
And it was in the layout of the restrooms that the group focused its efforts. This exclusive creation, devised somewhat as a private club, is the studio’s centerpiece.
Inspiration found during their numerous tours of the trendiest nightclubs on the planet; an echo of the nocturnal energies where daring esthetics converge.

We were adamant that this room should be full of contrasts. We had been looking for stainless steel restroom fittings for a long time, and it was love at first sight when we saw the ones signed DELABIE.”
With its dinner-jacket black walls, its stainless steel fittings and patinated mirrors, the room becomes a theater and puts on its finest suit.
On stage!

Produtos DELABIE instalados :
Estrutura de suporte para urinol TEMPOFIX 3 com torneira eletrónica TEMPOMATIC 4 - Ref. 543006D - 430006
Urinol Inox DELTA - Ref. 134772
Separador de urinol LISO - Ref. 100590
Lava-mãos Inox PMR XS - Ref. 120400
Torneira eletrónica de lavatório TEMPOMATIC 4 - Ref. 443506
Espelho retangular Inox - Ref. 3459
Doseador de sabão líquido mural Inox 304, 1L - Ref. 510582
Estrutura de suporte autoportante TEMPOFIX 3 com torneira de descarga dupla TEMPOFLUX 2 - Ref. 578305 - 578222
Sunita suspensa Inox S21 S- Ref. 110310
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Créditos Fotografia : Tim Van de Velde